“Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.” —James 5:13 When is the last time you sang songs of praise? No really. When was the last time you did a happy dance, or smiled up at God, or sang to Him just to say, “THANK YOU, Lord!” What we do PHYSICALLY affects us SPIRITUALLY. And we all know that life is hard. So girlfriend, when things are going good, you better CELEBRATE! Smile! Dance! Sing! Thank God and praise Him in times of goodness and happiness because every. Truly. Good. Thing. comes from HIM. We spend so much time focusing on what we DON'T have, that we forget all of the blessings right before us. Let’s not forget! Let’s celebrate the little things. ✨ Thank you Jesus, for my life and the opportunity you give me every single day to share your message of unfailing love. Now YOU say it! Xx #haplous #thebabystepsblog #babysteps #inspiration #faith #workingirl#nyc #wordsofwisdom #encouragement #dailyinspiration