“The world can make you think that love can be picked up at a garage sale or enveloped in a Hallmark card. But the kind of love that God created and demonstrated is a costly one because it involves sacrifice and presence. It’s a love that operates more like a sign language than being spoken outright. What I learned is that it’s more about presence than undertaking a project. It’s a brand that doesn’t just think about good things, or agree with them, or talk about them. Love DOES.’ --Bob Goff
ANNOUNCEMENT: We have launched a new look to the Haplous website for you all! I hope this structure will give you all a bit more insight to my personal vision for Haplous and some fun details about how I chose the name, etc.
I also want to give a special shout out to an incredible friend who has exemplified Bob Goff’s definition of love (above) in leaps and bounds for me personally and for Haplous. @Molliepaperie is the creative genius behind our updated branding on the instagram and website. Mollie and I have known each other our whole lives but in the past year she has been one of God’s greatest blessings in my life. Not only did she do all of the branding for Sam & I’s wedding (engaged ladies--look her up!), she is now helping me actualize my vision for Haplous every single day and has literally asked for nothing in return. I thank Jesus for providing me with such a special friend & entrepreneur!
Mollie owns an adorable boutique in our hometown where she sells all kinds of goodies AND she specializes in wedding details with her amazing calligraphy skills (invitations, programs, guest favors, she does it all! Check out her fabulous business here: http://www.molliepaperie.com/
I wanted to share this for anyone who has a dream but is fearful to make it a reality. God used baby steps to plant seeds in my heart to make Haplous a reality. I had many questions (and I still do) but my amazing friend Mollie is the perfect example of how God provides in leaps and bounds beyond our expectations when we let go and trust Him with our plans.
Be the friend who DOES. Offer yourself and love by ACTION. Thank you Bob Goff, thank you Mollie, and thank you JESUS for this beautiful example of LOVE.