“ For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them”--Matthew 18:20
Do you feel like you’re in a “gray area” in your faith walk? When you first decided to become a Christian, you felt excited & hopeful, but since then your relationship with Christ has come to a stand-still. You don’t really know what you’re supposed to do to nurture that “connection” that you see other Christians have.
If this is you, do NOT feel ashamed. I lived in that gray area for years, not even realizing how gray my life had truly become.
The key that brought splashes of color back into my spiritual life was a FRIEND. This friend made me realize how much richer our lives can become when we experience Christ’s love & teachings TOGETHER
I used to run from the idea of talking about my faith with my friends because I didn’t want to come across as “preachy.” By the grace of God, I came to realize that sharing your faith with friends doesn’t have to be a formal thing.
I think many people feel that they have to “get their life together” before they can talk about their faith with other people.
The best way to be a Christian friend is to love people through their mistakes, shortcomings, and missteps. Admit your flaws to other Christians--tell them embarrassing stories about yourself--show them your not-so-perfect side...because GUESS WHAT. Sometimes God places SPECIFIC people in our lives to help us through our mistakes. Don’t miss out on what He has to offer you. Our neighbors are a blessing! Community starts with putting ourselves out there.