As a millennial woman, I’ve been inundated with messages telling me to lean in, speak up, and ask for more. Today’s culture tells us we are all exactly where we want to be — if we don’t like our circumstances, it’s because we have done nothing to change them. We are all our "own masters."
I believe there is something in our DNA that causes us to light up when we hear these phrases because we were in fact designed to desire more. There is something inside every person that ignites at the thought of "bigger things." So when we hear modern messages encouraging us to chase after our dreams, we latch on to them, not pausing to think about the methods suggested to achieve such dreams. But there is a right and a wrong way to channel our natural yearnings.
I can’t tell u how blessed I was from this article! My ❤️ is so full!!! Had a literal “lightbulb” God moment as I read this piece! Your words literally jumped from the page as God showed me that the things I’ve been asking for, they were great things to be asking for, but it’s been all about the intent of my heart when doing so. My motives behind my needs and wants need to be clearly for His kingdom, to bring about His Praise, His power, honor and glory. God is trying to move us away from ourselves and our worldly, selfish desires and into a relationship and communion with Him. We may not even realize that our m…